KPO Sustainability Report 2021

Our Sustainability Principles and Goals

KPO is guided by the 10 principles of sustainable development, which were established in the Sustainable Development Charter.

Amongst the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, we have identified 12 Goals having considered 10 Principles of our Sustainable Development Charter as well as our programmes in occupational health and safety, environmental protection, social investment, local content and other.

Besides, taking into account the opinion of sustainability experts, in 2021 we have identified six key Sustainable Development Goals to focus on while pursuing sustainability. These goals include:

  • Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production,
  • Goal 13 – Сlimate action,
  • Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth,
  • Goal 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure,
  • Goal 10 – Reduced inequalities,
  • Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals.
Fig. 3. Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals through principles of the KPO Sustainable Development Charter