
By Anton Yarovoi

At the end of 2007 it was ten years from the signing date for the Final Production Sharing Agreement (FPSA) on the Karachaganak project. The work of the investors on this field Karachaganak has resulted in unprecedented experience in technology and production scale for the crude materials industry. But the main fact is that this project is a special connected with the special responsibility for people.

In 2007, the production of stabilised condensate at Karachaganak exceeded 10.5 million tonnes per year. Each year the level of gas production here is 14.2 billion cubic metres. Because of these parameters Karachaganak became the largest working field. Gas production here reaches approximately 49 percent of total gas production in Kazakhstan, liquid hydrocarbons approximately 18 percent of all oil produced in the country.

From the beginning Karachaganak was one of the largest international crude projects in Kazakhstan. Total investments are more than US $5.5 billion. Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV (KPO) has constructed and placed into service production facilities, which all work based on leading technology for processing hydrocarbon crude.

The technology fully corresponds to standards for industrial safety and environmental protection. The Karachaganak project is not one for crude production – during development it achieved serious value in the social and industrial development of the region. The development of the field has high value for the development of the whole Kazakhstan economy, but this project especially provides for the social development of the West Kazakhstan Oblast.

Many of its people work at consortium enterprises, moreover around the field, powerful service infrastructure was developed that plays a great role in solving the problem with recruitment of experts in many different areas. KPO has brought corporate social responsibility standards into the practice of domestic business: High quality of production, environmental protection and labour safety, competitive salaries, investments in the development of human potential and the improvement of domestic infrastructure.