HSE card programme GRI 2-23, 3-3, 403-2, 403-4, SDG 8.8

In the beginning of 2023, a few amendments were introduced into the HSE Card Form. Stop Work Authority (SWA) field was added where people can inform whether they used their right for SWA. Also, to make identification of an initiator easier, the field of KPO badge number was added.

Categories of observations have been revised. Some categories have been abolished and some were combined. As a result, the number of categories was reduced from 28 to 18.

In April 2023, HSE Award Incentive Scheme was reviewed. Such nominations as Best Intervention, Best Incident Notification and Best Near Miss Notification were introduced into awarding process to encourage personnel to intervene into unsafe situations and to report about incidents in timely manner.

Based on results of the HSE Card Programme in 2023:

  • 5,470 employees participated and 31,977 observations were made;
  • 49 near-misses were reported and investigated with the aim to prevent more serious incidents. Two cases reported by means of HSE Cards were classified as incidents;
  • 17,702 interventions were made and corrective actions assigned out of the received HSE Cards, ~95 % of actions were closed by the year-end.
  • 260 new KPO employees underwent the HSE Card Programme training;
  • 76 Contractors companies have made 24,161 observations amounting to 76% of the total number of observations.

HSE Cards by type of observation, 2019 — 2023

Note: Data in previous periods may slightly vary in overall number and/or by categories due to later corrections made as part of regular data analysis or annual reviews.

In order to demonstrate the significance of HSE Card programme in the company and to motivate KPO and BP personnel to participate in it, festive dinners with the company top management were arranged to award quarterly winners.

At the year-end:

  • 80 KPO and Contractors employees were rewarded with monetary awards from 100$ till 500$.
  • Over 600 employees got memorable gifts and certificates.

Case study 1


Context /
short description:

Safety is of paramount importance at KPO. Although, KPO faces repeated incidents for the same cause: risk complacency and lack of intervention at work sites. In addition, KPO introduce big projects and engage new employees with no work experience at the Company facilities. Our key target is to train them up to the required safety standards.


Safety at work sites subject to HSE leadership and competency of supervisors and leads. By own example, supervisors and leads can establish and reinforce safety culture.


Improve skills of supervisors to identify hazards, engage employees and coaching teams in order to improve safety culture at workplaces.

Solution / actions:

In 2019, the Coaching, Engagement and Intervention workshop was developed, where KPO and contractor supervisors and leads responsible for high-risk activities were invited. The workshops consisted of theoretical part, practical group exercises including coaching sessions at work sites.

For 2020, KPO Management assigned a task of implementing the HSE Leadership and Coaching Programme covering:

  • All supervisors and project team leaders of the Project Execution Directorate, in particular the 4th Injection Compressor project,
  • Operations line managers of supervisors and team leaders, who had attended Coaching, Engagement and Intervention workshops in 2019.


During 2019 and 2020, over 1200 KPO and contractor supervisors have attended the workshops allowing them improve their knowledge and skills in coaching, involvement and intervention. Besides the standard training methods, the training materials included videos, incident investigation data and pocket manuals.


The most active supervisors — programme participants, who applied new knowledge on work sites, have received awards within the HSE incentives mechanism.

Case study 2



Context / short description:

Each year KPO place utmost importance to awareness raising and promoting road safety and general safety amongst the population of Aksai. Given the limitations of the coronavirus pandemic, some of the planned activities were carried out in a new format.

Solution / Actions:

KPO used to hold the annual Road Safety event dedicated to the International Children’s Day celebrated on 1st June for Aksai children and parents. However, in 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic affected the implementation of this event.


Despite the limitations, thanks to assistance of the local ‘Radio-Aksai’ colleagues, the Corporate Safety Department employees were able to conduct an online contest having communicated with parents and children of the town via Instagram.


A week before the event several short videos were prepared and published on the "Radio-Aksai’ Instagram page to remind about the most common risks and safety rules targeting shaping habits of safe behaviour and preventing child injuries. Along with this, we proposed Aksai residents to provide their photos and videos in order to share their ways of ensuring safety and protection of children at home, outside and on the roads, etc.


The best and most creative works were selected for the awards and were announced live on the ‘Radio-Aksai’ on the Children’s Day.


In addition, during 2020, in collaboration with the Aksai radio station, KPO continued broadcasting audio ads on various topics, including safety rules at home and outside, fire prevention, safe driving, child safety, as well as safe behaviour at night and in winter. Audio ads about safety and road safety are broadcasted on the radio five times a day with monthly updates.


Besides, together with representatives of the local road police and district education department, awareness events were held for children of secondary school junior classes to actively promote Road Safety rules. As part of this campaign, children were presented with memorable gifts and over a thousand reflective flickers for using at night time.

Case study 3



Context /
short description:

Safety is of paramount importance at KPO. Although, KPO faces repeated incidents for the same cause: risk complacency and lack of intervention at work sites. In addition, KPO introduce big projects and engage new employees with no work experience at the Company facilities. Our key target is to train them up to the required safety standards.


Safety at work sites subject to HSE leadership and competency of supervisors and leads. By own example, supervisors and leads can establish and reinforce safety culture.


Improve skills of supervisors to identify hazards, engage employees and coaching teams in order to improve safety culture at workplaces.

Solution / actions:

In 2019, the HSE Leadership and Culture programme was introduced, where KPO and contractor supervisors and leads responsible for high risk activities were invited. The workshops consisted of theoretical part, practical group exercises including coaching sessions at work sites.


For 2020, KPO Management assigned a task of implementing the Programme covering:

  • All supervisors and project team leaders of the Project Execution Directorate, in particular the 4th Injection Compressor project,
  • Operations line managers of supervisors and team leaders, who had attended training workshops.


During 2019 and 2020, over 1200 KPO and contractor supervisors have attended the workshops allowing them improve their knowledge and skills in coaching, involvement and intervention. Besides the standard training methods, the training materials included videos, incident investigation data and pocket manuals.


The most active supervisors — programme participants, who applied new knowledge on work sites, have received awards within the HSE incentives mechanism.

Сase study 4


Context /
description of an issue:

As part of the Competency Management System, KPO conducts regular assessment of technical personnel for compliance with applicable standards.


In 2018, following recommendations of the KPO Parent Companies’ auditors, KPO developed the Industrial Supervisors’ Competency Assessment Standards and launched the assessment process aimed to ensure safe and efficient performance and adequate supervision of activities at hazardous industrial facilities.


The Competency Assessment Standard includes:

  • Personal and leadership competences;
  • Technical skills;
  • HSE competences.

An individual training and development plan of an employee is developed based on the results of conducted assessment.


In 2019, KPO started implementation of the Competency Management System for Field service contractors having medium and high HSE risks. The contractor personnel make up a large proportion of personnel working in the Field; accordingly their competency level may have significant impact on safety performance and business continuity. In 2021, three contractors were audited to check if they have a personnel competency system in place. Following the audit results, areas for improvement of the existing and new systems were identified and agreed on.


Development and implementation of an assessment system for engineering personnel of Central Maintenance Department, KPC and Chemical Laboratory was one of the CMS expansion focus areas in 2020-2021. KPO devised a Guidance on Assessment and 20 competency standards.


  • To ensure the competence of the O&G engineers and Industrial Supervisors with the aim to accurately plan and perform safely both in hazardous and harmful conditions; to eliminate or mitigate safety hazards risks.
  • To identify areas for further development for achieving the required competency level in line with the standard approved;
  • To introduce Competency Management System to contractors with high and medium risks.

Solution / actions:

In 2021:

  • OPITO audit was successfully carried out. Competency assessment of Industrial Supervisors at KPC and Chemical Laboratory was completed. Competency assessment for engineering personnel of the Central Maintenance department was completed. Relevant reports were submitted to managers of facilities.
  • Audits of three Field Department contractors with high and medium risks were carried out with further recommendations for development and implementation of their own Competency Management System.

In 2022-2023, competency assessments are scheduled for Industrial Supervisors working at Construction Department, Well Operations Department, and Field Facilities Modification Department. Frequency of assessments is set for at least once in five years, unless otherwise is provided by Company requirements.


  • In the period of 2019 — 2021 the Competency assessment process of Industrial Supervisors at Eco Centre, Unit-3, Unit-2, KOTS, Gathering, KPC and Chemical Laboratory was completed.
  • Thirteen contractors submitted their outcomes of the CMS development and implementation at meetings with KPO.
  • Competency assessment for engineering personnel of the Central Maintenance department has been commenced and completed.

The programme contributes to maintaining the required competency level of operations personnel and will be continued.