AKSAI, West Kazakhstan Oblast, 29 May 2020
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) confirms that since 26 May three employeesof SICIM, a KPO contractor company, have tested COVID-positive. All of them have alreadybeen transported to the regional infectious diseases hospital for further examination andtreatment. Test results of further close and potential contacts were confirmed negative.
Nevertheless, after consultations with the local health authorities, it was agreed that allSICIM personnel deployed in Karachaganak would be tested. Samples from the first batch of280 employees were collected on 29/05. It is anticipated that it may take up to 10 days totest more than 2100 employees. Any positive cases will be immediately isolated andhospitalized by SES as per established protocols.
SICIM have been fully cooperating with the local SES and akimat to manage the situationand have so far reacted swiftly and professionally. They had all along been compliant withthe requirements of RoK health authorities including travel restrictions, medical checks andsocial distancing. The company is implementing all the proposed precautionary measuresaimed at preventing the spread of the virus. SICIM will continue working closely with SES,KPO and other stakeholders to reinforce these measures in order to protect the health oftheir employees, the personnel of other companies and civilians.
KPO will provide every support to SICIM and other contractors to prevent the recurrence ofthe infection.
KPO will closely monitor the situation and share the latest on this as and when the newdevelopments unfold.