Panorama (Almaty), 4 March 2011

Karachaganak produced 133.7 million barrels of oil equivalent in 2010

National weekly newspaper Panorama reported on 4 March that in 2010, KPO produced 133.7 million barrels of oil equivalent in the form of stable and unstable liquids, sour gas, and sweet gas for use as fuel. In addition, 6,437 million cubic feet of sour dry gas was injected into the reservoir, a volume equivalent to approximately 43% of the total gas produced.

The development and operation of the Karachaganak field continued throughout 2010. 5 new wells were drilled and 14 workovers were completed to streamline the well-stock in the field etc. The Unit-2 Material Replacement Project was completed during the year and the gas injection compressors were re-wheeled and re-powered. Both projects have increased the efficiency and reliability of the compressors allowing more gas to be injected into the reservoir. In September - October 2010, the two-yearly total field shutdown was completed ahead of schedule and without incident. The construction of the fourth liquid stabilisation train at KPC has continued as expected and remains on target to be completed this year.

KPO continued to maintain its high standards of Environmental Protection and on 29 December 2010 the Company was issued with a three year Environmental Emissions Permit. KPO also maintained its ISO 14001 accreditation. Overall gas utilisation in 2010 was 99.87%. This level of gas utilisation is unprecedented in oil and gas operations anywhere in the world, Panorama reported.